Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge

Saturday, February 14, 2015. Suzanne, Dooley, Hazel and I head over to the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in Northern Utah for a 6 mile hike and bird watching.  The refuge is 80,000 acres of marshes created by Bear River which is the largest freshwater component of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem. As we begin our hike the view is spectacular.
Most of the marsh land looks like this.
It doesn't take long before we see some Tundra Swans.
Tundra Swans summer in the Artic and winter in Northern Utah.
After about 3 miles Suzanne is helping Dooley get ready for a swim.
You can see how much Dooley enjoys the water.
Back on the hike we spot some Canada Geese.
I even manage to get a picture of a flock of Canada geese in flight.
This one was just taking off to join the flock.
This Tundra Swan was just lifting off the water when I snapped this picture.
This picture is a little faded but you can see the swan in flight with the Wasatch Mountains in the background.
Later we drive out to Antelope Island on the Great Salt Lake where this Horned Lark pays us a visit.
As we finish the hike I take one final picture of the Wasatch Mountains behind Ogden, Utah.