Friday, September 9, 2011

Rio en Medio

Monday, Sep. 5, 2011  I'm going to do one of my favorite hikes today so I drive 23 miles to the western border of the Pecos Wilderness in the Sangre de Cristo mountains.  The little one lane dirt road comes to an end at a spot only big enough for six vehicles to park so you know you won't see very many other hikers.  This place was closed for three months because of a wildfire so I'm happy it's open again.  The Rio en Medio is a 6 - 8 ft wide mountain stream that is home to Brook Trout and Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout.  It is a very scenic hike with lot's of waterfalls to sit beside and enjoy nature.  As I approach the trailhead I notice someone has posted a picture of a dog and my first thought is, oh no, someone's pet got lost up here in the wild.  Then I read the notice.  It's by people that live in the closest house and they are asking that if you see this dog please don't encourage it or it will take off hiking with you and it's supposed to stay at the ranch guarding the chickens and goats.  Well sure enough about one mile into the forest I came upon him.  He was having a great time running up the trail and jumping in the stream.  I said hi and gave him a pat on the head but I could tell that chickens and goats were the last thing on his mind.
So on up the trail I hike.  It's about 2 miles to the first waterfall.  I can't help but mosey along while I enjoy the sights and sounds of the wilderness.
As I continue hiking there are times when I have to cross the Rio en Medio by walking on boulders and rocks.
Once I get to the first waterfall I decide to take a break and relax for a while.  To give you some perspective, that waterfall is about 20 ft tall.
After spending some time here I decide to head on up the trail.  The next hundred yards are steep and require sure footing.  I'm now at about 8,500 ft elevation.  Here's a look back down at what I just hiked up.

After another 1/4 mile I reach the 2nd waterfall.  Even though it's smaller I like it better because it's much more secluded which is good for quiet contemplation.
As I continue on you can see that the trail can get rocky at times.
Another little waterfall but still worth a picture.
This view of the trail shows how steeply it drops off.
This picture of the next waterfall didn't turn out the best but I still want to post it.

As I continue my hike the view is spectacular.

Hike, hike, hike, up, up, up and I stop to look down far below on the next waterfall.
And finally 2 1/2 hours since the trailhead and I reach the 6th and final waterfall.  This is where I take my pack off and sit down.  I can see a trout in the pool below the waterfall.  I spend an hour just watching birds and enjoying the solitude and beauty.
After a great day of hiking I head on back to my truck fully rejuvenated and ready to take on the upcoming chores and work week.