Friday, December 2, 2011

Ghost Ranch, NM

Sunday, Nov. 27, 2011.  Today's adventure would find me at Ghost Ranch in northern New Mexico about a 30 mile drive from where I live.  It is one of the places where Georgia O'Keeffe lived during her New Mexico years and a lot of her paintings are of this area.  I am going to hike up Box Canyon which she said was her favorite hike.  I like it because it is so scenic and once I get up on the mesa top I have never encountered anyone else.  On the way to the trailhead I pass a nice view of the Chama River.
After parking my truck I step onto the trail to begin my hike up Box Canyon.
Not far up the trail I pass a restored hogan.  Hogan's are the house like structures that the native people lived in.
Continuing on you can see one of the mesa's that begin to form the canyon.
As I get closer the size of this mesa becomes almost overwhelming.
A little farther up the trail I pass a pond formed by a mountain stream.
I liked the way the shadows were creeping up the cliffs in this next picture.  You can see how rugged this area is and why I have to be careful when I start hiking up on top.
The trail is hard to see but my destination is through that crevice and then on to the top.
Once I get through I turn around for a view of where I came from.  You can just make out the trail.
 The remaining climb that lies ahead of me.
This Ponderosa Pine makes for a striking contrast with the blue sky.

Finally up on top I enjoy the view of my hike up Box Canyon.
Hazel Doggie decides to rest.
A quick message for Maddie, Izzy, Ben & Nate as I get ready for the hike back to my truck.


  1. That is some ankle-twisting terrain! Great photos, as always!

  2. Dear Grandpa Tom,
    I hope you'll have a good Christmas. I love the picture of the pond. I can't wait until I can go on a hike with you. Maybe I can come visit soon.
    Love, Madelynn

  3. i love the photos but, more than that, i love that you do these for your grandchildren. Special...Merry Christmas.

  4. Very nice Tom. Wonderful creations of God that you have captured! I would love to see these myself when I come in NM. Then you will teach how to take good shots of the different views and scenery. I will ask Bill to take Kleid and I.He will be awed as well. See you soon! Thanks for sharing. Can I also share this site with my family and friends? :) God bless!
