Sunday, July 29, 2018

Thunder Gila

Friday, June 22, 2018. Suzanne and I spent last night in a cabin at Thunder Mountain Lodge on Grand Mesa, Colorado. Last Oct. while hiking around Deep Ward Lake we found a beautiful meadow within minutes of 3 lakes. We’ve named it Thunder Gila after the lodge and our all time favorite backpacking area, the Gila Wilderness.
The trail we were on at times was actually rocks and the footing was precarious at best.
I much preferred this part of the trail.
The meadow that would become our base camp. There are 3 different lakes each about a 20 minute walk from camp.
I found a spot without rocks and set up my tent.
Some really nice wildflowers.

When we needed water we would hike to this spot and filter it.
Suzanne chopping wood for tonight's camp fire.
All packed and ready to hike out.
I couldn't resist one more picture of Deep Ward Lake as we hiked out.

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