Thursday, December 26, 2013

Grand Canyon

Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013.  Nic, Jamie and I continue our trip to the Grand Canyon.  I have been to the Grand Canyon several times and a few years ago Suzanne and I did a Rim to Rim and backpacked across it. I feel that everybody should try to see it at least once, it is that spectacular. The Grand Canyon was formed over millions of years by erosion caused by the Colorado river and by uplift of layer upon layer of rock during geologic processes.  It is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide and over 1 mile deep.  The first people to live in and around the Grand Canyon were the Puebloans mentioned in my previous report on Chaco Canyon.  On this particular day when we arrived a very rare event called a temperature inversion caused the canyon to fill up with fog.
In places the fog even produced some striking effects like it did with the beams of light and this tree.
Sometimes it looked like giant cliffs rising high up out of a sea.
I like all the different contrast's in this picture.
Here you can see some of the many layers of rock that make up the canyon.
It seems that the fog is starting to recede and reveal more of the vastness of the Grand Canyon.
As we continued our way on the south rim this Raven gave off a strange impression.
Finally the fog has lifted so that we could see the bottom as well as all the way across.
Nic and Jamie enjoy a moment standing near the edge.
The Grand Canyon is so immense that one picture cannot give you a true sense of it's magnitude but I tried with this panorama.
I would recommend that if you can only see one natural wonder it should be the Grand Canyon.


  1. great pictures. I have never seen the grand canyon with all that fog. Sharon Newell

  2. Tom, you take such beautiful photos. i also caught the fog on one visit to the canyon.
