Friday, October 7, 2011

East Fork of the Jemez River

Sunday, Oct. 2, 2011.  Today I decided to hike along the East Fork of the Jemez River in the Jemez Mountains.  I hurt my big toe so I needed an easy hike with no real elevation change.  This hike is actually in the Valle Caldera which was formed when a super volcano erupted a million years ago.  The volcano is dormant but not dead.  Each year the dome grows from the rising magma underneath it.  The caldera is filled with lush soil and plant and wildlife and the river.  It's a beautiful easy 4 mile hike and one of my favorites.  As I step onto the trail the green grass and trees contrast nicely with the blue sky and white clouds.
All along the way their are huge boulders and rock formations that were formed by the volcano.

This next one was just too spectacular not to photograph.
A little further along I spot a rock climber on his way down.  That rock is about 300 feet high.
As I continue on my hike I come to a place where I need to squeeze between 2 boulders.  The big one is twice my height.
After walking 50 ft or so I turn and look back up the valley I just came through.
As the trail continues it crosses the river several times offering great views.

Another boulder that deserved a picture.
After 2 miles I come to this spot that would require some rock climbing for me to continue.  I decide that my hurt toe would make that difficult so I take a break and enjoy the solitude before heading back.
As I look around I spot some bluebells.
And some wildflowers that I don't know the name of.  Maybe Suzanne will leave a comment and tell us what they are.

As I head back to my truck I'm thankful that I can do spur of the moment hikes like this.

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