Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tent Rocks

Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012.  It will get up to 63 degrees today so I decide a hike is what I need.  I drive the 60 miles to about 10 miles west of Cochiti Pueblo and park my truck.  After making sure my pack included my first aid kit, a compass, an energy bar, my journal, a windbreaker and plenty of water, I put it on and started hiking.  Ahead is my destination, the top of this mesa.
I don't have to go very far before the Tent Rocks come into view.
They are the ash of some huge volcanic eruptions about 8 million years ago that hardened into rock and then were eroded by winds.
As I continue hiking I come across a cave that was carved into the rock hundreds or thousands of years ago by a native person.  It was used as a shelter for sleeping and even cooking in.  You can still see the black ash on the ceiling from the fire.
Next I come upon a Ponderosa Pine with it's roots exposed.  They are about as tall as me.
Ah, the entrance to the slot canyon that I will hike in for the next half mile.
You can see how narrow it gets in some places.  I have to turn sideways to get through.
The shapes are really cool and so is the temperature in here.
The light and shadows also produce some strange effects.
As I emerge from the slot canyon I feel like there are big towers looming overhead.
The patterns and the rocks are striking.
I wish I was an artist and could paint some of these scenes.
This view makes me feel like I'm in a castle.
Finally on top of the mesa I look back down from where I came.
The lines you see in the rock represent different layers of ash from many volcanic eruptions.
Way off in the distance you can see the snow capped Truchas Peaks near where I live.
As I enter the slot canyon again I see a dead tree laying over the entrance and can't resist a picture.

One final picture of the trail.
What a fun and scenic hike it's been.

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