Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kitchen Mesa

Sunday, March 25, 2012.  It will get to 80 degrees today so I decide to head over to Ghost Ranch to hike the Kitchen Mesa Trail.  Its only about 3 1/2 miles one way but it has some steep uphill that can get difficult.  The trailhead has the typical high desert look of the southwest.
When I get up on top I will be looking down on that mesa.
I may not be real high yet but I certainly don't want to misstep and fall down here.
Now I have to hike up and over this saddle.  The red sand is very loose and I have to be careful not to slip.
Once I crest the saddle you can see how steeply it falls off on both sides.
I take a break and enjoy the view before heading down the other side.
This canyon can make me feel small at 6'2".  These boulders are 15-20 feet tall.
Its hard to believe that this grass found enough dirt in a crack in the rock to grow.  Out here in these conditions life must really struggle to take hold.
Back to my hike I look ahead to the next segment.
As I get closer my destination  looks higher.
I will eventually get up on top but it won't be easy.
Its finally time to start the uphill part of the hike.
This will require some rock climbing and boulder hopping.
And now to get up that crevice.  It will take a secure grip and strong arms and legs.

I make it and look back down on my progress.
Hiking around on the mesa top these dead trees look like sculpture.
Looking down I can see Ghost Ranch where my hike started.
I take a break and enjoy the view of Abiqui Lake to the south.
As I begin the hike back to my truck I reflect on what a great day its been and how fortunate I am to be able to share it through pictures with my grandchildren.


  1. Looks great dad! I wish I could do some of these hikes with you. I can't wait to show you around Maine.

  2. hey that dead wood was the best EVER!
