Saturday, May 5, 2012

Camping in the Ojito Wilderness

Saturday, April 21, 2012.  It is going to be a good weekend for night sky viewing so I drive to the Ojito Wilderness for a camping trip.  This place is so remote that there is zero light pollution to interfere with seeing stars and planets.  It's much too hot here in the summer so spring is the best time for a camping trip in this area.
Once I get there I find a nice secluded spot to set up my tent.  You can see my truck in the background.
The view from my tent.
About 20 feet away this lizard enjoys the warm sun.
Perched in the tree above this rock wren was singing a beautiful song.
 I decide to go for a hike and take in the scenery.
Lot's of desert with mountains off in the distance.
It doesn't take long before I notice that the barrel cactus are in bloom.
I get in real close to show just how beautiful a cactus flower can be.
I don't know what kind of wildflower this is but it sure was nice.
Indian Paintbrush are one of my favorite wildflowers.
Another nice Indian Paintbrush.
And a closeup.
Here is a picture of a flowering Barrel Cactus and an Indian Paintbrush sharing the same ground.
A caterpillar eats a wildflower for lunch.

This spot had a lot of different wildflowers and a cholla cactus.
And that brought me back to my campsite.  I had time to make some dinner before I set up my tripod and astronomy binoculars.  Later, after the stars came out, I was able to see many deep space objects like Saturn, the Perseids, Orions Nebula, the Sombrero Galaxy and much more.  It was a very fun weekend.

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