Sunday, September 29, 2013

Kamas Lake

Monday, Sep. 23, 2013.  On my way to pick up Suzanne for our backpacking trip I was driving through Colorado and as it started to rain this rainbow formed right before my eyes. You can even see the end going into the ground.

As we neared the trailhead we passed Provo Falls and I had to stop and take a picture.
It was Suzanne's first backpacking trip in 8 years since her car accident. You can see she didn't take it easy by the size of her pack.

Shortly after we began we came to this bridge.  It didn't look to be very sturdy so we decided it was easier to just step across on the rocks.
The trail was hard to see at times and mostly was big rocks that could trip you if you weren't careful.
Along the way the view of the surrounding mountains was spectacular.

After some very tough hiking we finally arrive at our destination, Kamas Lake.  It is at 10,400 ft. elevation in the high Uinta mountains on the border of Utah and Wyoming.
This picture shows just how blue and pure the water is at this elevation.

After setting up camp I make a pot of green chile stew for dinner.

After dinner as we were sitting by the lake the sun was setting and made the mountains glow like gold.  The reflection in the lake was an almost perfect mirror image.
A group picture to commemorate a very successful and fun backpacking trip.
Grandpa Tom, Hazel, Suzanne and Dooley.


  1. Thank you for sharing, Tom. The photos are fantastic, as usual and i am so happy to see the 4 of you back on the trail*S*

  2. What great pictures, as always. It is good to see you & Suzzane back on the backtracking trail. The sunset picture was one of my favorites. Sharon
