Sunday, June 22, 2014

Red Lake, Colorado

Thursday, June 12, 2014.  Hazel and I drive up to the South San Juan Wilderness in Southern Colorado to meet up with my brother Ted for 3 days of camping and hiking. When we discovered this camping spot last year we named it wildflower meadow because in July it is carpeted with every color of wildflower you can imagine. This skyrocket is just waking up for the day.
The next morning started out with a good sign. It was Friday the 13th and the full moon was setting behind our camp making for a good picture.
As we were having our morning coffee and looking out over the lower meadow two bull elk walked to within 50 yards of us. They kept trying to figure out what we were but we remained still. Eventually they began to frolick and play and chase each other around.
The hike we had planned to do was to Red Lake. We had seen the trail head last year while exploring and a hiker we met on the Continental Divide Trail had told us it was a very nice hike. After getting our hiking gear ready we started up the trail.  We hiked about 3 miles up to 11,750 ft. elevation and all of a sudden there was Red Lake before us.
Red Lake is one of the most picturesque settings I've ever seen. Here is a closeup showing Conejos Peak at 13,179 ft. in the background.
 Back near camp I can't resist a picture of the Cumbres Pass that is just a little west of us.
The view from our camp is spectacular.
The time of day can change the effect dramatically.
Sometimes each mountain ridge has a different degree of shadow.

As we prepare to leave one of my favorite birds, the Western Tanager, stops by to say goodbye.
It was a very fun and relaxing three days and I will come back here often.

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