Sunday, October 19, 2014

Great Western Trail

Friday, August 8, 2014.  Suzanne, the doggies and I head up to the area of Northeast Utah to find a spot where we can set up camp and then spend a couple of days hiking part of the GWT. The Great Western Trail extends from Canada to Mexico passing through Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah and Arizona.  Our intent is to hike all of the over 500 miles of the GWT through Utah. Since we don't have the time to thru-hike it we will do it one section at a time until we have hiked the entire Utah corridor. We find a place to set up camp off a tiny dirt road near the Idaho - Utah border. Our view from camp, actually in Utah, is of the beautiful Idaho countryside.
Rather than leave our footprint by setting up a new camp we use one that was left by others. We would never build such a large fire ring but this one was already here. After unpacking and getting every thing situated, Suzanne and Dooley take a break.
While exploring the area around our camp I spot this before and after scene and thought it made a nice picture.
This pair of Three Toed Woodpeckers were sharing the same tree.
The next morning we begin our quest of hiking the Great Western Trail through Utah.
It's actually a very nice trail with a lot of green trees providing shade.

As we continue hiking we see this tree where a bear had recently sharpened it's claws.
The views were really spectacular and we took our time so we could enjoy them.
As we near the end I can't resist a picture showing just how blue the sky was.
All in all we hiked the first 8 miles of the Great Western Trail in Utah and I am really looking forward to our next section.

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